(6-9 June 2019)
Why Bolivia?
1. Because the Bolivian Bishops Conference invited CREC to present the workshop as part of their own National Seminar entitled: “Communication and Journalism in the Era of Social Media”.
2. Because after the successful sessions held in Colombia, Paraguay and Guatemala, word has spread that CREC is now actively committed to training in Latin America – and no one wants to be left out.
3. Because the coffee is great!
Why Cochabamba?
1. Because everyone knows that air is thinner at higher altitudes – and Cochabamba is “only” 2,600 metres above sea level. Which means you can still breathe (almost).
The alternative was La Paz. But at an altitude of 3,600 metres, no one would have the energy to do anything.
2. Because the city is centrally located making it easier for participants to get there from around the country. Which they did. Nearly 50 of them, of various ages and
experiences, all sent by their local Bishops.
3. Because the food is great!
Why Social Media?
1. Because that is where the people are – and that is where the Church is trying to be.
2. Because that is what the Pope’s 2019 World Communications Day Message is all about: “From social network communities to the human community”. It is what allowed us to experiment with everything from Twitter to YouTube, by way of Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp (of course).
3. Because… well, why not?
PS: Watch the videos and decide for yourself whether the workshop…worked.
Seàn-Patrick Lovett & Ary Waldir Ramos