por CRECAdmin | Oct 17, 2015 | Sin categorizar
Since 2007, CREC is not conducting sessions in its centre of Ecully (Lyon, France) but its teams of trainers are present in different parts of the world (this November, a session will take place in Tahiti). All those who have known the centre, the hall, the studio,...
por CRECAdmin | Jul 5, 2015 | Africa
It rains a lot on Mount Kilimanjaro in June. And it rains hard. Most of the time you can’t see the mountain because its snow-capped summit is so high it rises above the cloud line – something that makes this dormant volcano even more mysterious. There’s also something...
por CRECAdmin | Jun 18, 2015 | Europe
June 15, 2015 – Two years ago, when I told people I was going to Ukraine, hardly anyone knew where it was. Very few knew that it is the second largest country in Europe (as big as Texas) and hardly anyone remembered that, for centuries, it was the cross-roads of...
por CRECAdmin | May 1, 2015 | Research
Since 2007, the seminarians of two Major Seminaries in Burkina Faso are trained in communications. Last April, a group of 51 future priests, at St John the Baptist seminary, in Ouagadougou, followed an intensive session covering many aspects going from communication...
por CRECAdmin | Abr 26, 2015 | Asia/Pacific
Before you continue reading this article I suggest you check a map of the world, or go to Google, to make sure you really know where Papua New Guinea is. Yes, that’s it: that green stretch of land and blue chain of islands way over there in Oceania, somewhere above...